The Sun Through a Telescope, “I Die Smiling“
SR094, 2013
Format: mp3
Location: Canada
Duration: 00:01:03
Tracks: 7
Genres: Metal, post metal, drone, post rock
I DIE SMILING is the fourth release from THE SUN THROUGH A TELESCOPE. It is a full-length release, the first for TSTAT. It is primarily a home recording (with the exception of live drums and re-amped guitars recorded by TOPON DAS at APARTMENT 2 STUDIOS) – written, recorded and mixed by LEE NEUTRON aka the sole proprietor of all things TSTAT (aka the person writing this bio).
It will be released in three formats: Digital Download available via BANDCAMP, Digipack CD available via HANDSHAKE INC., and cassette available via DWYER RECORDS.
As with previous releases from TSTAT, a wide range of musical styles are featured. Many different elements of “heavy” music are explored, including Black Metal, Doom Metal, Grindcore, Sludge and Drone/Doom. Other musical aspects to be found include Ambient, Psychedelic, Post-Rock and Drone/Drift. The title I DIE SMILING is ambiguous by design (as are most things TSTAT-related) but could possibly refer to a feeling of morbid self-satisfaction.
One person drone/doom recording project from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Other releases by TSTAT

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