SLP, “Structures Anthropologiques de l’Imaginaire de Famille“
SR024, 2010
Format: mp3
Location: Italy
Duration: 00:47:00
Tracks: 17
Genres: Electroacoustic, drone
I don’t think that all this can be understood. Actually, it doesn’t even have to. With this I have promised myself to do justice to ourselves, to all of those that I love, that I have loved, and whose memory I still hold in my heart. This album is dedicated to them, to those who are here, to those who were here, to who would like to leave but to whom I can’t allow to do so. To live restlessly makes one fragile, it subdues and makes one tired, but this doesn’t mean that stronger ties don’t keep us together: filial love, friendship love, love between student and teacher, love between friends that discover life together and who become individuals, I am debtor to all of those who have made me who I am. Nevertheless, I don’t feel that I have reciprocated enough, at least not as much as I would have liked. With this I’m trying to make up, a vain promise but an act of love, an act of adoration. I dream of a world all to ourselves, a solidarity which is the result of one’s own free will. May all the rest be non-memory, time’s wear and tear which takes us away and sacrifices us to a forced humanism. I want to stay with you, and only you and with this I delude myself to be able to define boundaries. May it be for us a state in which to flourish and consecrate the love that ties us together.
Don’t leave, don’t go because I will always be with you. May I be recollection of this universe, once again, an act of love for humanity which may only be ours. You are all in my heart. I owe you my being.
I dedicate this to: my mother, my father, Giorgio and Lalla, Santo and Anna Maria, Floriano, Simonetta, Chiara, Regina and Luca. Alex, Jeff and Stefania, Andrea and Monica, Mary, Elsie and Billy Boy, to my friends, to my band Salomè, Michele, Sonia, to those who have been here and to those who will be, to my animal companions, to all who have been near me and that have raised me.
A hug.
Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

Failed media, pathetic attempts at art making, pretentious wording and amateurish self importance.
Ugly sounds and unimportant events since 2007.
Member of Salomè Lego Playset, River of No, Achievements, Rambler 1976.
Other releases by SLP