Mister Drey, "There is No Us" (SR133, 2015)

Mister Drey, “There is No “Us


SR133, 2015

Format: CD / mp3

Location: Italy

Duration: 01:15:00

Tracks: 14

Genres: Post Rock, Nu-Soul, Contemporary Soul

“There is no ”Us” is a record about the feeling of loss. About instability, not being able to recognize where you live anymore. A records about doubt, confusion. About finding and deluding each other, failing. Again. About those feelings I couldn’t keep hidden anymore.”
Artwork by Akis Karanos
Photos by Nicola Boari
Mister Drey Artist Image

 Born and raised in the outskirts of Bologna (Granarolo), Mr. Drey was, (and it’s a pity when this is not remembered), an enfant prodige of the teen punk scene (with No Hope) and with the ska/reggae/high school rocksteady (Urka, Explanation of Palmas). The notoriety of these bands brought him no lucky occasions nor any good.


Former member of Salomè Lego Playset, Achievements, Rambler 1976, Momo Squad.

Other releases by Mister Drey