male.resistance, “Terminal Sleep” (SR151, 2016)

male.resistance, “Terminal Sleep


SR151, 2016

Format: mp3

Location: Italy

Duration: 00:33:53

Tracks: 1

Genres: Noise, drone

More shitty, depressing music, this time under the moniker of “male.resistance”, beta-male Pepe-esque failure, obese self deprecating piece of shit troll, alt-right pussy loser.

Recorded live (“live” means alone in a mansion in Baricella, Bologna, actually owned by my own psychiatrist), with cheap heavy distortions and Maximal Drone synthesizer.


Our albums are under Creative Commons License.

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Failed media, pathetic attempts at art making, pretentious wording and amateurish self importance.

Ugly sounds and unimportant events since 2007.


Member of Salomè Lego Playset, River of No, Achievements, Rambler 1976.


Other releases by SLP